Link a Github Repository

Manage your repository's contracts with Loki.code's DevOps tools.

To commence utilizing the refined tools of Loki.code, one must possess a smart contract with which to engage. Loki.code graciously permits the integration of your GitHub repository with its platform, thus enabling you to commence your work on these contracts.

Video Demonstration


Begin by accessing Loki.code's Dashboard. Within the Get Started section, select the option to "Connect GitHub account."

GitHub will then guide you through a sequence of steps to select the appropriate account and repository you wish to link. Upon completion, GitHub will redirect you back to Loki.code, where you should observe a red-outlined "Disconnect GitHub account" button.

Splendid! Now that your GitHub repository is successfully linked to Loki.code, you are at liberty to create a new project and begin leveraging our distinguished DevOps tools with your contracts.

Last updated